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Our Mission

The Resilient Faith Project exists to help Christian leaders serve God from a place of wholeness so they can lead well for the long haul. We provide resources and training to guide leaders in cultivating resilient faith through connecting deeply to God, understanding their identity in Christ, and engaging in authentic community.



As Christian leaders we often find ourselves so busy creating spaces for others to meet and connect with the Lord, that we neglect our own personal relationship with Him. Or we have been impacted by tragedy or hardship that has led to emotional and spiritual barriers that prevent us from experiencing true intimacy with God.


The Resilient Faith Project works to create opportunities for leaders to connect deeply with the Lord and personally hear from Him.


We specialize in providing creative ways for leaders to engage in spiritual practices that will help them draw close to God by incorporating listening prayer, art, literature, music, film, etc.


When we find ourselves facing burnout or hardship in Christian service, we may be more susceptible to believing lies from the enemy or being adversely influenced by the opinions of others around us. This can lead to doubts about God's goodness and care for us.


The Resilient Faith Project works to help leaders develop a solid understanding of who they are as a son or daughter of God and co-heir with Christ Jesus.


As leaders grow in a Biblical understanding of their identity in Christ, they will be better equipped to view their present circumstances through the lens of God's deep love for them and His promise to work all things for their good. 

Support Group

Whether real or imagined, most of us in leadership feel some pressure to have it all together for those that we lead. Many of us lack an outlet to share our struggles without fear that it may negatively impact others or jeopardize our ministry. 


The Resilient Faith Project seeks to foster an authentic, supportive community that allows leaders to be their true selves, as they wrestle with the hard questions and issues they face.


We work to create safe spaces for leaders to share their deepest hurts or shame and find acceptance and hope. RFP seeks to be a place of belonging for leaders on similar journeys of restoration and healing.

Who We Serve

  • Missionaries & Global Workers

  • Pastors & Church Staff

  • Parachurch Ministry Staff

  • Lay Leaders

  • Ministry Spouses & Families


What  We Offer


The Resilient Faith Project provides online venues for Christian leaders to find support and encouragement from others who are facing similar challenges through:


  • Private Facebook community group


  • Video gatherings to discuss relevant topics


  • Online small groups including Bible studies and support groups

For leaders who want to dive deeper into their journey towards resilient faith, RFP offers resources that can help, such as:


  • Recommendations for relevant books, Bible studies, and podcasts 


  • Curated worship playlists


  • Workshops, training events, and retreats


  • RFP Blog and Podcast


For leaders seeking more personalized support, we offer coaching sessions for individuals and couples. Personal coaching is helpful for people who:


  • Feel stuck on their faith journey


  • Are having trouble connecting with God


  • Need guidance on finding balance between work and home life


  • Want help to determine next steps in ministry


Our Story

The Resilient Faith Project was born out of the most difficult season of my life. My husband, Stephen, and I were serving as missionaries to Italy a few years ago and all at once, everything began to fall apart. Our financial resources dried up, our kids were struggling to make friends and acclimate to a new culture, and our marriage was being tested in ways we had never imagined.


Then Stephen went through a medical crisis that had us navigating a foreign health system and eventually landed him in the hospital. With limited language skills and no real answers about what was making him so sick, we felt scared and helpless.


However, the clincher came when our daughter, who had been deeply depressed for months, tried to take her own life. Suddenly we realized that this call we had believed in for so long and fought tooth and nail to follow was wreaking havoc on our family. Little did we know at the time that God had a much bigger plan than we even realized... 


Let my soul be at rest again, for the Lord has been good to me. He has saved me from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling. And so, I walk in the Lord's presence as I live here on earth.

Psalm 116:7-9

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